
Q&A: 2018 History Winner Jack E. Davis

When Jack E. Davis set out to write his now-Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea,” he hoped, in part, to rewrite the history of the Gulf he grew up on. His expansive nonfiction work brings new life to the Gulf of Mexico, one of the planet's most diverse and productive marine ecosystems, through its environmental, political and economic past and present.


Q&A: 2018 Feature Writing Winner Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah

Essayist Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah is the author of the haunting portrait of Dylann Roof, the murderer who calmly walked into Charleston, S.C.’s Mother Emanuel AME Church and killed nine people inside. Ghansah’s powerful narrative weaves together reportage, first-person reflection and analysis of the historical and cultural forces that brought Roof to that church that day.




The San Francisco Chronicle